Euthalia Adam was born in Serres in 1860 and was a teacher and educator during the Ottoman rule in the city of Serres. She was a student of Kalliopi Kehagia and graduated with honors from the Girls’ School of Serres. Then she went to Istanbul and studied at the Zappio Girls’ School and with a scholarship from K. Zappa she continued her studies in Switzerland and France. When she returned, she worked as a vice-principal and after 1888 as a principal at Zappeio Girls’ School until 1927. With the proper management of her position, her education and her morals, she educated a large number of Greek mothers and teachers. She was honored with the Cross of the Holy Sepulcher by the Patriarch of Jerusalem in 1905 and with the title “Prosphilous and honest daughter of the church” and the Excellence zealous fulfiller of duty” in 1909 by the ecumenical patriarch Joachim III. Furthermore, in 1951 he was awarded the Golden Phoenix Cross by King Paul. The Academy of Athens also honored her with the Award of Virtue and Self-Sacrifice. Euthalia Adam developed excellent national educational and social activity during her long and fruitful career. She died in Athens in 1954.