Vasilios Veiliktsidis, coming from an aristocratic family of Sinop, Pontus, was born in 1885 and grew up in the historic Amiso, Pontus. He studied music in Constantinople and excelled as a music teacher and orchestra director in his hometown until 1922 and then came to Greece. He settled in Serres and taught music theory, soufflés at the Serres Boys’ Orphanage. He also helped many refugee children at the orphanage. In 1927 he worked at “Orpheas”, where he also taught musical instruments. During the period 1951-1958 he also taught at the Serres Orphanage for Girls. With his work, Vasilios Veiliktsidis contributed to the recording of the tragic events in Pontus and changed the musical events of the city of Serres. He died in 1959 in Serres. His daughter Elpida was also involved in music in the city of Serres.