Kourlios Konstantinos of Nikolaou was born in 1937 in Mitrousi Serron. In 1995 he graduated from Serres High School and went through the School of Non-Commissioned Officers and then trained as an Engineer. He married Maria and they had two…
Refugee immigrants arrive in October 1922 from the village of Prousa, in the area of Skourati. On August 15, 1924, the Skoutarians started from Skoutari in Eastern Rumilia and settled in the area of the current settlement of October 1924.…
In the choir of the great national benefactors of our Nation, the first place is held by the Vlach National benefactors. The Vlachs, of the dispersion, performed acts of patriotism and whatever they had acquired through their labor abroad, they…
Konstantinos Karamanlis was born on March 8, 1907, in Proti Serron. The Greek politician was prime minister of the country for two periods (1955-1963 and 1974-1980) and twice president of the Republic (1980-1985 and 1990-1995). Initially, he practiced as a…